how to make extra money

How to make extra money: 28 tips to fill your wallet

Learn how to earn extra money and get a break from your budget. Enjoy the advantages that the internet has brought to those who have an entrepreneurial spirit.

In times of crisis, it is difficult to know how to earn extra money, so every opportunity where this is possible should be grabbed tooth and nail. Additionally, if you are unemployed, this assumption is even more relevant.

Aware of the need to increase income, we leave you with some suggestions that you can use to fill your bank account and that can help you fulfill some dreams or, who knows, start your own business.


extra income

Create your own blog

If you love writing, why not write something that you can turn into money? The key is to write about something practical, that seeks to solve people’s problems or difficulties and satisfy their needs. Create a blog for your texts, link it to a Google AdSense account and earn money from what you write and publish. It may take some time to gain several followers, but slowly if you go far.

How to make money beyond that? Simple: turn the texts into an eBook that you can sell worldwide through sites like Amazon and turn into more extra money.

Promote your skills

By building a reliable and well-equipped website with added value for your readers, you could be constituting an excellent online business. The most fantastic thing is that it reaches a very wide audience, which will be interested in your services and with a very low level of investment.

If you have skills in architecture, management, cooking or others, build a website with creativity and start spreading your image and your brand on social networks. Also, do not forget to create a list of email contacts to forward your news, thus ensuring greater interactivity with your target audience.

Working from home

sounds cliché but there are many jobs you can do from home. Translation, sales, accounting, digital services, among others, can be found and developed from home.

When working from home you have less costs and less time wasted on transport, so you will be in a comfortable position to make offers with an excellent quality / price ratio for your customers.

Sounds vague? We’ll show you some examples in this article or you can read also working from home.

Create an online store

We haven’t invented the wheel, it is true, but if you are looking to earn extra money, creating an online store is a good solution. Whether buying online, abroad, or at resellers around the country, why not set up a small online business selling accessories, children’s clothes, party dresses, sports equipment or others? This is a small business, easy to maintain, which can pay off a lot.


If you love cosmetics, have sales skills, work or study in a place with many people and have dozens of contacts, betting on a part-time as a cosmetic reseller can earn you good profits. Best of all, you don’t need to make any investments and you can only buy what customers order. You can even combine this idea with that of the online store, so that you can have even more earnings and fill your bank account.

Sell what you no longer use

We are sure that you have dozens of things in your home that you do not use, either because they do not serve you or because they no longer have or have never been useful to you. Now, what is not for you, can be for another. So be it clothes you no longer wear, books you have read, culinary gadgets you have never used, furniture that is too much or gifts you don’t like … sell everything on craigslist or eBay!


Does your house have plenty of space? With the help of platforms such as AirBnb, Booking or Home Away you can earn extra money by renting rooms to tourists. If you don’t want strangers inside doors, if the contract allows, consider subletting. That is, rent a house in the tourist area of ​​your city or in the vicinity and rent to tourists.


Yes, there is a lot of market for babysitters. Especially if you are a kindergarten teacher, education assistant, teacher or have a special way of taking care of children. In the dozens of mothers ‘groups and forums on Facebook and on various pages, there are plenty of babysitters’ requests for full-time, part-time or for sporadic situations.

Join these groups or forums and create an online page to advertise your services and get ready to earn extra money.

Help others

How to earn extra money to help others? Nowadays, there is little time left for some essential daily tasks such as cooking, washing and ironing, cleaning the house or car, small messages, making the family’s birthday cakes, among others.

Consider offering your services to those who don’t have time for these and other tasks. You can do it through the internet or, if you prefer, through family and friends only.

Organizing events

You have to be prepared to miss many nights and weekends, but you can earn good money by organizing children’s birthday parties, company meetings, weddings, christenings and communions, among many other events. As in the point above, you can advertise your services through the internet, or through family and friends.


If you have a knack for cooking and make some snacks to eat and cry for more, you can either sell your services as a cook, or you can partner with pastry shops or restaurants to sell them your delicious cooking.

Make videos

The digital age has made video creation an excellent opportunity to earn extra money. You can either make them to sell, or you can post them on sites like YouTube and Vimeo to try to make money through ads. Some famous YouTubers even become millionaires.

Take pictures

Like videos, photographs can be a good source of income. You can either sell them through websites like Shutterstock and Foap, or offer your services as a photographer at events.

Complete online surveys

Sites like Netsonda and Clixsense provide a good opportunity to earn extra money by filling out online surveys. You will not be able to receive huge amounts, but you will be paid for giving your opinion and you will be helping entities to know more about your target audience.

Teach others

If you understand math, music, cooking, technology, or any other subject, you can give explanations to anyone who wants to be an expert in the subject in order to earn extra money. You can either offer your services online or create an online course using Udemy.

Be a mystery shopper

Did you know that you can be paid for being a mystery shopper? Some consultancy firms recruit mystery shoppers to obtain information about the services provided by companies. All you need to do is go to sales points and be a customer, like any other – with the bonus of earning a few extra euros.

Walk animals

There is a huge market for those who want to walk dogs to earn extra money. You just need to be a true animal lover and be able to find customers, which you can search through sites like OLX, for example.

Play online games

You don’t have to be a champion to be able to make money from online games. Whether by writing guides, selling virtual goods or winning tournaments, there is much to be gained in online games.


If you already have enough experience in your area of activity to teach others in their careers, why not use it for your benefit and that of society? Create a website for that purpose, in which you describe your services. Advertise yourself with forums in your area of activity and offer discounts to anyone who brings a friend or spread the word.

Create an online course

Instruct a course administered through the web, on sites like Udemy or Skillshare.

Sell handmade products

If you have a talent in the field of handicrafts, jewelery or material design, you can put your products on sale on websites specializing in those areas. Etsy, Cargoh, or Craft Foxes are some of the best options available.

Be a tourist guide in your city

Think about showing what no one has yet remembered. Create your own itineraries. Think of your city’s best kept secrets. Tourists will love it.

Rent a house or room on AirBnb

The demand for this type of tourist accommodation is currently at historic highs. If you have an extra room in your home, or a holiday home, don’t waste time. Enlist now.

Be a driver

Look for ads for private drivers. Join Uber or Lyft.

Work at a part time bar

If you know drinks, working at a bar can be a good way to earn some extra money.

Be a DJ or musician at events

If your area of ​​activity is music, why not make yourself available to play music at weddings or other events. They are usually well paid services and the offer is immense.

Touch the street

If you are a musician, why not exhibit your art on the street, even if it is sporadically, in your free time? Find out if you can use the location you want for this purpose, and what type of licenses you will need to apply for, to avoid being fined.

Deliver food

Search the nearby restaurants, and you will find many offers for this activity.

Hopefully we were able to answer your questions about how to earn some extra money. Regardless of the alternative found, we suggest that you analyze your skills and interests, do some research on the internet and start now to create the bases to increase your income.

Finally, don’t forget that, for any of these activities, you will have to comply with your tax obligations, so it is important to be collected as a self-employed person.

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