20 hydrogen peroxide uses and reasons to have it on your home

We often see hydrogen peroxide as one of those essentials in any first aid kit, and we know that when we put it on our injury it bubbles up, stings a bit, and then we are ready to stick the bandage on. Hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, is very chemically similar to water, or H2O, except for it has an extra Oxygen atom.


This extra Oxygen atom is easily expunged to react with its environment, often at the expense of living microorganisms in its vicinity. In other words, hydrogen peroxide is able to disinfect and sanitize at the microbial level.

Here are 20 ways you can take advantage of this small, but mighty, power! (Henceforth I will abbreviate hydrogen peroxide to “HP” and the below uses the %3 concentration of HP that is often found in common stores rather than a %5 concentration)

1)Destruction of viruses- 3 drops of HP in each ear, and let drain, will eliminate earwax and any viruses that like to fester such as “swimmers ear”.

2)Elimination of pesticides- Soak vegetables in ¼ cup of HP and 3 cups of water for 30 minutes. After rinse well, and store in the fridge (ensure that your vegetables are healthy and whole to prevent from solution sinking into the product)

3)Kills off airborne germs- Mixing 1 pint of HP with 1 gallon of water and pouring into a humidifier will kick airborne germs in the bud, cleansing your air!

4)Clean toothbrush-Leaving a moist toothbrush overnight isn’t the best for oral hygiene. Soak in HP and you’re all set!

5)Helps with foot fungus-Mix together a 1:1 ratio of HP and water in an amber bottle and keep away from sunlight, apply to fungus directly.

6)Remove organic stains- Anything like sweat, blood, wine, or food stains can be dissolved with HP and a little laundry detergent.

7)Protection from swimmers ear-I bring this up in the form of a routine of cleansing your ear as a preventative measure, rather than a one-time fix as I had before.

8)Treat calluses and corns- Mix equal parts HP and water and soak your feet to soften them.

9)Eliminate boils-Pour one cup of 35% HP into a bath and soak in the tub.

10)Skin cleanser-the anti-bacterial properties of HP can cleanse your face as well!

11)Mouth rinse-Not only will it kill mouth bacteria that cause bad breath, but whiten!

12)Wound cleaning and disinfection-Small cuts and lacerations of course will be able to heal faster unhindered by debris and bacteria!

13)Relieve toothache-gargle with a mixture of coconut oil and HP a remedy that has been said to relieve tooth pain swiftly!

14)Sinus cleanser-Safe enough to enter your nasal passages and clean out your sinuses!

15)Body detoxification- 1 cup of 35% HP in a bath for a 30 minute soak, and then shower as per usual!

16)Household cleaner-As a sanitizing agent HP is remarkably well-suited for the job! Use as a general, multi-surface cleaner!

17)Contact lenses cleaner- In a diluted solution of HP, leave your contact lenses to soak in it overnight!

18)Refresh reusable shopping bags- Especially if you carry packages of meat that are not always tightly packed and give under duress, do some sanitizing with HP!

19)Glass cleaner- Allow HP to sit on a mirror and bubble before wiping away!

20)Lunchbox disinfector- Lunches that leak can provide a shock under the microscope, use HP to cleanse it!

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